Monday, March 1, 2010

Fell off hard

I fell off hard!! Very hard and I can't understand why I can't get the motivation back, every week, I say "for real this week is the week", and then I crash and burn. Its a constant, constant battle, every single day I think about my weight - there is not one day that goes by that I'm not thinking about it. Something must be done, I saw some pictures of me today and I HATED the way I looked, hated it! Will that add fuel to my fire?? Not being able to wear my clothes or feeling fat, and tired and unmotivated have not fueled it - maybe those pictures were just the key. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Where ever you put your attention ... the object of your obsession grows.
    Try obsessing about something else, your fashion blog your yoga practice... anything but your weight. I am not religious but I do believe a little daily prayer to our grandmothers/grandfathers for assistance can help.
